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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

saya seorg remaja.taPi bagi mereka???

erm penah tak korg rasa yang idop korg
cm serabut gile...byk problem.,.biase la remaja weh
musti la ader problem,,pastu relationship korg ngan parents korg pun bmasalah..

nak buat tu xboleh,..

"mama rasa baju tu xsesuai la"

"nak pegi mane ni??dgn siapa"

and kalau kita kua memane..

they will checking up on u lyke stiap satu jam mereka akan call.

"kat mane ni??bila nak balik??"its getting late u know!"

"eh gelak tu cover sikit"

"jangan kawan sgt la dengan bdk2 tah pape tu."

yeah! maybe its sounded like sangat la rimas kan dgn sume leteran parents kite tu..

every single thing kite buat mereka akan perhatikan..
ader certain mak ayah yang over anxious sal anak mereka..

tapi ape2 pun yg jadi...

kite kena pk btol2..sume yang diorg buat xde sbb laen kecuali...

they care deeply about us.

i know we've got to grow up and be independent but we will always
be their little girl no matter what age we are.
dont forget a few years ago we were all cuddles and wanting to be with our parents.

it can be hard suddenly they're being shoved away as we want to be more adult
make our own choices.

its a difficult time of adjustment for parents as well;

" i remember when my daughters didnt want to hug me anymore.if i ever went to embrace them..
they'll push me away & if i ever went o pick then up from anywhere i was asked to stay out of sight round of corner bcoz they will never looked cool in front of their fwens if im around."
(nanges sbb ayat atas nh sedih )

kite ingat tak dulu...

kita anak yg manja..mane mama ayah kite pegi kite nak ikot tapi skrg??

seems lyke kite xperlukan mereka lagi..

the rejection was tough to take bg mak dan ayah kite.. :(((

jadi sbgai anak kita jaga la hati ayah dan ibu kite...sayangi mereka..

jgn cepat mberontak sbb ape yang mereka buat adalah for our own good..

wlau ape pun usia kite for them we will always b their baby 4ever...

sometimes aku slalu pk how lucky we r bile ader org yang risaukan kite..

xtido malam slagi kita xtdo..

stay up dgn kite bile kite dmm,..

give us a hug bile keadaan kelam kabut...

risaukan kite siang dan malam...

senyum bile kite happy ...

bile kte buat salah...they always they for us tok tgor...

remember la mak ayah xde galang ganti...

sjauh mane kita pegi.,..diorg ttp ader within ourselves...

mereka ader dlm hati kite...

sbb kite adalah sbahagian dr mereka bdua..


so,,ayuh la kite bdoa untuk ksejahteraan ibu bapa kite :

"Apabila seorang meningalkan doa bagi kedua orang tua nya maka akan terputus lah rezeki nya"


Syahirah said...

~parent is 2nd after ALLAH~

jgn disebabkan egois hati seorang remaja penyebab terputusnya jalinan kekeluargaan~.. diary
keep it up~

A said...

btol tu syer!!

sayang mama papa!!

Anonymous said...

tu i said b4,y is it 2 difficult to express our love to our family especially our parents? i mean to some people.not to everyone.egotism ke?hemm

Anonymous said...

mcm pnah dgr je quotes tu haha
tp btul2....
p/s: ini cousinmu :D

A said...


kite nh ego xmo

gtau org yg kite syg how much we <3



(aku pun same)
