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Monday, September 10, 2012

Apakan daya

Penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat.
Ok stop complaining and do something about it. 

Saya berikrar takkan tangguh kerja apa2 lagi. Akan disettlekan cepat cepat.
The feeling is so terrible. 

But yeah, crying wont solve anything. Do something about it and work it bebeh.

Saya percaya tiada masalah yang tidak boleh selesai.

First day of kuliah,
the first question people asked me was about you-know-what.
Kenapa diorang nak pelik aku tak syahdu? kenapa?

hoi tipu la takde rasa pape. tapi setiap kali aku rasa nak 
patah semangat, aku ulang2 balik ayat di bawah ni kat diri sendiri.

" things happened for a better reason. Other people wont be there when anything happened to ur life, you;re the one who is going to face everything. The decision is all yours and the implication as well so why bother to live with other people's expectation? MOVE ON and appreciate what you have now. "

be strong.
You will learn how to be strong when being strong is the only option you have.

Kalau kau sayang macam mana pun,
Kalau kau cuba pertahankan macam mana pun,
Kalau kau bergadai nyawa sekalipun,
Tapi kalau sesuatu benda tu bukan sepatutnya jadi hak kau,
benda tu takkan jadi hak kau.takkan
Ikhlas kan lah semua nya.
 (fefeeling ustazah skrg)

Aku tahu susah nak ikhlas tapi without ikhlas hidup kau takkan tenang.
slow2 la nanti ok la tu.

Kau tahu dialog paling tacing penah aku tgk dalam movie ape?

" be happy please eventho I'm not part of your happiness"

tu mmg ikhlas tahap tertinggi

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